Hardbot Retro promotion is still on, but we don’t stop! We still want to continue that classic range of minis, so get ready for a new model. Firebird is an advanced and versatile hardbot. Fast and agile but still heavily armored and equipped with heavy armament. Two big jet engines allow it to make long […]
While we have just started our Christmas break in our production facility, we have a few last things for you. Preorders for January are up, read about them below! But not only preorders are a good reason for shopping with us in 2019. Over the break, we will do some conservation work in our workshop, […]
Here we go again! Lots of things will happen in April 2019. New war machines await! Expect a hardbot, tanks, hovertanks and more! All of that is now on PREORDER with 10% DISCOUNT, so take your time, scroll down and find out all the good stuff! The promotion lasts till the end of March and […]