New, redesigned stratoyagers in 155th Daggordian Stratoyager Squadron ‘Grave Diggers’ paint scheme. You can finad all of them in our shop and gallery. Phoenix 502, Vulture Mk.IV and Guardian 151a at your service! Guardian 151a Phoenix 502 Vulture Mk.IV
15% FLASH SALE THIS WEEKEND ONLY! STARTING NOW! LIMITED QUANTITIES! EXPRESS SHIPPING! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! Autumn is here, and we are preparing for the inevitable storming our gates before Christmas. The first thing is, we have just enabled more payment options aside from PayPal, so feel free to check that. Secondly, to celebrate it […]
We have promised you 15 mm scale Bullshark, and we are at final stage of this project, along with first of our 15 mm tanks, Eudoros! Preorders are open, and if you order yours before Sunday 26th, you will get discount! Production starts 20th of September, orders will be shipped on daily basis, according to succession […]