November 29, 2018
By Strato Minis Studio UncategorizedComments Off on New model: Cricket
New model: Cricket
Swift and agile. This lightweight unit is being mostly used as scout, and will join our shop forces in not so distant future. Please welcome Cricket, with three weapons options in one set!
We are in kind of closed beta-tests. Yes! Still, we need to tweak some rules before letting people to enjoy Stratoyager gameplay, but the moment is close. You are welcome to check the Stratoyager web site. Keep fingers crossed! Meanwhile, you may take a look on some battle photos. Keep in mind, that game elements are […]
Good news! Preordered Needles, Hwachas and Huo-Ches will start shipping tommorow. Meantime, take a look at our newest project – Ratel, aka Honey Badger. We will soon launch preorders for that one too!