November 29, 2018
By Strato Minis Studio UncategorizedComments Off on New model: Cricket
New model: Cricket
Swift and agile. This lightweight unit is being mostly used as scout, and will join our shop forces in not so distant future. Please welcome Cricket, with three weapons options in one set!
And yet another redesigned model. New here bu may be well known from some battle raports. Goldwing 302 is the third instalment of Federated Systems Fleet most reliable strato yager, the STF-300. This versatile ‘yager is being used by almost every military, government and private agencies.
This is the day we are finaly OPEN! Strato Minis Shop is ready and welcomes you in. The finest quality of minis. But this is only the begning and we promise you that we want and we will expand. Walking Warmachines, Space Fighters, Atmospheric Flyers, Tanks and more… Visit our shop now!
June 2019 is coming, and full-scale production of new models will start in a few days. Today, we want to share with you photos of virgin casts of Hammer & Anvil hatdbots with default armaments. Hammer Anvil