New a-grav tanks will fly into our workshop very soon and want to give you the opportunity to PREORDER them in advance with a 10% DISCOUNT, which is almost the tradition in Strato Minis Studio. Full-scale production will start at the beginning of July, and the 30th of June will be the last day of […]
I you ever feel the need to travel beyond civilised land, you love some adventures in the outback, or you just fancy raiding you neighbours from time to time, this might be an option for you! Fast, agile, armed for close defence, will work both as a scout for your forces, as well as effective […]
Good news! Preordered Needles, Hwachas and Huo-Ches will start shipping tommorow. Meantime, take a look at our newest project – Ratel, aka Honey Badger. We will soon launch preorders for that one too!