Once anain a giant Hardbot on Demand, in 6mm scale, prepared and provided as resin casts. Jemadar, based on, as always awesome, Giorgio Espinos templates, consists of 6 elements and needs assembling. What you can see above is an render of 3D model, but photos of resin casts will come shortly.
One of our lateset Hardbot entry is this shiny stomper. Please welcome the Whooper, a 6mm scale walking war mashine. It will be prepared and provided as resin casts. Model consists of six parts and needs assembling.
And here it is! New harbot, with really big gun. Please welcome Magnum! Do you feel lucky? Casting will start soon. Stay tuned and look for Magnum next week.
4 years of developement, and now we are ready to show shards our work to the world. Sit back, relax, fasten your safety belts and make sure your ejection system is active. We are going for a ride! Join us at https://www.facebook.com/stratoyager/