One shark is not enough! Bigger, scarier, with more armor and more armament. The true king of a battlefield, ultimate war beast! We’ve decided to bring a bigger brother of Bullshark to life. Production of Megalodon, 100-ton hardbot, will start soon, very soon. Right now last details are being consulted with top engineers of our […]
And yet another redesigned model. New here bu may be well known from some battle raports. Goldwing 302 is the third instalment of Federated Systems Fleet most reliable strato yager, the STF-300. This versatile ‘yager is being used by almost every military, government and private agencies.
New a-grav tanks will fly into our workshop very soon and want to give you the opportunity to PREORDER them in advance with a 10% DISCOUNT, which is almost the tradition in Strato Minis Studio. Full-scale production will start at the beginning of July, and the 30th of June will be the last day of […]